Friday, May 25, 2012

Air Gear Final Chapter Review

Alternative Title:

English - Air Gear
Japanese - エア・ギア


Oh! Great


Action, Comedy, Ecchi, Shounen, Sports

Chapter Rating:


Air Gear had finally finished! The manga ended with total of 357 exclusive chapters. For this review, I used the Chinese version because the English version has currently only up to 354 wich is 3 more chapters away. I wanted to share this amazing ending which I rated 6 out 6 stars as soon as possible.

The final chapter used the technique of flashing back and forth which sometimes confuses the reader; however, in this case, Air Gear has showed it success! The technique is well developed in the way that how the pages and events are linked. It flowed from relax to intense and light to serious. Everything is very cohesive and connected.

The final major shock we had in this manga ended with Ikki saving the super villain Sora. Ikki's had again showed his personality trait as moral justice despite of his arrogance. At this point, Sora saw the image of Kilik when he lost his wings from the fight with Ikki.

As everything began to settle in the manga. Another scene that you may be interested is that Emily finally proposed to Kazu during a musical band concert, which is formed by most people from the Sleeping Forest. Kazu answered her proposal with a salute, and said, "Yes". I think this is the most touching moment of this chapter because of Emily's cuteness. If Kazu denied, I would probably blame him for disgrace of mankind.

The manga ended with all the Ikki and the others racing and yelled, "We are Kogarasumaru~~~~~".
TRANSLATION OF THE FINAL CAPTION: If you raise your hand, you will see the sky

(Image Source: Xindm)