
After our fantastic voyage to Sakura-Con, let's enjoy the rest of spring with manga and anime!

Anime Revolution

Entertainment + Cosplay + Art + Games! We will be going!


AniManga.me has now agreed to sponsor us! They offer discounts to our members, prizes when having an event, and a rental DVD/VHS once a month. Click on the slider to visit the store.

Friday, November 4, 2011


I was contacted by people from leadership class during the third block on Thursday~
Apparently, they are going to make a very quick video around the school for all of the clubs at pw.
The people who are in charge asked me very politely to make everyone dress in COSPLAY!!!! on that particular day.
I will discuss this on our next meeting after I discuss more thoroughly with the leadership people:)

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Anime for Nov.10

Here is a guideline from MangaFox for people to make good decision to vote on the Poll~
Note: Click on the image for better reading experience.


I Don't Have Many Friends:

Sekaiichi Hatsukoi:

 Code Geass:

Just some extra information that you guys might be interested in~
Image below is from :<http://www.animeph.com>

Upcoming Movie and Anime Release~

I just searched on the upcoming release in 2012, and I found something that people might be interested in~
Picture contents are from <http://www.animeph.com>
Code: Breaker has been my favourite manga every since I read it. It has a very interesting plot line and relationships between characters. It is definitely one of the Anime that I am looking forward to see.

Blue Exorcist also known as Ao no Exorcist. The movie is going to be release sometime in April~
For those who like Blue Exorcist, this will be one of the movie worth watching:)

 K-ON! I personally haven't watch any K-ON! anime, but I know the manga is extremely humorous! If you are looking for the release date of K-ON!, December 3rd is the day!

Toaru Majutsu no Index MOVIE~~~ Release in 2012!