Sunday, May 20, 2012

Code: Breaker Chapter 12 Review

Alternative Title:

English - Code:Breaker
Japanese - コード:ブレイカー


Akimine Kamijyo


Action, Comedy, School, Shounen, Super Power, Supernatural

Chapter Rating:


The battle is beginning to draw its conclusion. With Tabata's daughter appearance, Ogami didn't seem to change his motive after his dramatic expression change. Sakura immediately realized the danger Ogami was going to forever changed a young girl's life. Instead of persuading Ogami, Sakura's action shocked me. She ran and hug Tabata as a shield against Ogami. This was out of my usual expectation of an ordinary teenage girl would do in a situation like this. I would never image to protect a villain that might turned me into a hostage or threaten my life. Sakura here represent the justice that we were taught as children. She is the absolute justice that conflict the opposite of the Code: Breakers. She carried out her own justice of evil people can still change and live. On the other hand, the puppy's innocent face made me wanted to laugh. Here we were having quite a dramatic scene, the puppy's expression has a degree of understanding and caring attitude toward Tabata and Sakura's action. I found it interesting to see how all the characters flow in this intense moment.

We were finally seeing some morality in Tabata when he was turning himself into an absolute villain in front of his daughter. In this moment with Ogami as a hero and Tabata as a vilain, we found the love between a father and a daughter. As it turned out Tabata was trying to look for the rare organs that can cure his daughter disability. This scene contains a high level of understanding and touching attitude that deeply effected the readers. Ogami acted out as a hero who destroyed Tabata and the building itself. The chapter ended with Sakura questioning Ogami's definition of a hero. And Ogami's answer was that a person could never become a true hero. We now see the different between Ogami and Toki's sense of justice, and understand why Ogami and Toki don't get alone with each other.

As we gradually go into to different character's personality trait, we are gradually drawn into the story. Ogami and Sakura have now develop a bond that will not be easily broken by any forces. The storyline is successful in the way of portraying the role of individual characters, especially with all kinds of characters in the same scene. The technique is not easily develop, but the flow of the story in my opinion is a bit slow. Overall the manga is quite well done.


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