
After our fantastic voyage to Sakura-Con, let's enjoy the rest of spring with manga and anime!

Anime Revolution

Entertainment + Cosplay + Art + Games! We will be going!


AniManga.me has now agreed to sponsor us! They offer discounts to our members, prizes when having an event, and a rental DVD/VHS once a month. Click on the slider to visit the store.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Anime for Feb.9

Here is a guideline from MangaFox and Youtube for people to make good decision to vote on the Poll~ Note: Click on the image for better reading experience.

DuRaRaRa!! OP

High School of the Dead

High School of the Dead OP

Infinite Stratos

Infinite Stratos OP


Blood-C OP

Natsume Yuujinchou 

Natsume Yuujinchou OP

Club Photo

Feb. 21st 3:30
I just received e-mails from Year Book PW. I had copied and pasted the e-mails, so everyone can get a clear look of what will be happening this YEAR!  Feb. 21st will be the date for both LipDub and Photo. Therefore, please note that the date might be changed.

E-mails From Year Book PW


Dear Sponsor Teachers and Club leaders,

Sorry for sending out the previous email before the details were finalised.  There has been quite a large change and the clubs index will now be comprised of EIGHT photos.  The shoot for the 21st is tentative, as we will likely schedule some shoots on different days.  Nonetheless, please pencil in 3:30 on the 21st at the gym in your agendas.

Please keep checking your email for updates.  Don't forget to think of a prop to bring!

Sorry for all the confusion.

Thanks for your time in reading this!

Clubs section head
On Tue, Feb 7, 2012 at 10:45 AM, Yearbook PW wrote:
Dear Sponsor Teachers and Club leaders,

Thank you all for sending in your club information.  Due to the new format of clubs index, we will be taking only two large pictures of the clubs for the index.  The shoot will take place on TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 21st in the GYM.

Each club should BRING A PROP that represents their club.  An example would be a poster with the club name.

The following clubs will be the first photo.  These clubs must be present at 3:30pm.
Animal Rights, Art-Get out there, Badminton, BASIC, Budgetless Production Team, Chess, Dragon Boating, Food for Thought, Garden, Global Issues, Interact and Key.

These clubs will be in the second photo.  Please be present by 3:45pm.
Library, Manga, Peer Tutoring, Recycling, Student Council, Tennis, THINK and Travel.

Please notify all your members immediately so that they can make allowances in their schedules for this shoot.

Also, please ARRIVE PUNCTUALLY for the shoot as we will not wait for latecomers.

Thank you all for taking the time to read this.  Please contact us if you have any questions.  See you all on the 21st!

Verna Yam
Yearbook Clubs Section Head

Sunday, February 5, 2012


Comic and Manga Reading Club is finally on Facebook!