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Friday, May 11, 2012

Code: Breaker Chapter 6 and Chapter 7 Review

Alternative Title:

English - Code:Breaker
Japanese - コード:ブレイカー


Akimine Kamijyo


Action, Comedy, School, Shounen, Super Power, Supernatural

Volume 1 Review Post: 


Now we are on the second volume of Code: Breaker! If you have read the previous volume, you might realized that I skipped a few plot line so I do not spoil the story for you. In the season volume of Code: Breaker, I got a sense of the story is gradually shaping itself. It is slowly leading to series of events and unanswered questioned behind a true meaning of being a Code: Breaker.

Chapter 6:

Chapter Rating: ★★★★★☆

In the beginning of Chapter 6, we found that Ogami is burning the officers who immediately showed up after Ogami wiped out the gang which is selling illegal drugs to public citizens. Ogami had no choice, but to wipe out the witness officers because of "all witness has to vanish" which is previously mentioned in Volume 1.

After wiping out a few officers, Sakura manage to stop one of the officers from being burned from Ogami. This is a point that we start to facts that reflect our inner survival instinct as we get into the point where we find the young officer take Sakura as his hostage. We even found that the police are working with gangs that are trading illegal drugs.

The principle of "A TOOTH FOR A TOOTH. AND EVIL TO EVIL" is used again as Ogami wiped out the abusive police force including corrupted the chief. At fist we thought Ogami is just a cold blooded killer, but latter we found that he also has a righteous mind and a good heart as he spared a young child already suffered a great pain. We realized a Code Breaker is not only a killer, but a person who cares out the justice that the government do not have control with.

Chapter 7:

Chapter Rating: ★★★★★☆

The whole business with the police ended. This chapter starts with a little bit of humour and some casual schoolday events. During one of these events, the one of Saukra's friend, Fujiwara Sempai is introduced. The event of introducing Fujiwara Senpai begins with a little bit of fanservice. However, it turned out that Ogami almost attacked her because she seems to resemble someone Ogami knew.

The main mystery of this chapter ended with an appearance of "ANOTHER CODE: BREAKER?!" who is also talking on his cell like Ogami Rei. What is a real Code: Breaker? How does he judges evil?

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Code: Breaker Volume 1 Review

Code: Breaker Volume 1

Alternative Title:

English - Code:Breaker
Japanese - コード:ブレイカー


Akimine Kamijyo


Action, Comedy, School, Shounen, Super Power, Supernatural

Volume Rating:


Code: Breaker is one of my favourite manga. If you want to compare Code: Breaker to any other manga, it would be Death Note. Both of them base on criminal elementals that threaten our society. The protagonists from both series try to seek for justice base on their own judgement. The first impression we have with the main character, Ogami, is him standing alone in the burning blue flames that is buring others to death while the girl named, Sakura, sees this scene on the travelling bus.

We also find out that Ogami and Sakura are shown to be completely opposite characters. Ogami is first shockingly introduced as a new transfer student. He seems to be pleasant and kind teenager and he also get alone with other classmate as well. However, Sakura immediately realizes Ogami is the one who uses blue flames to burn people to death. Sakura tried to keep others out of the dangerous, but she also runs into a lot of confusions.

Later on in this volume, Sakura and Ogami are conversing in the park. As their conservation goes on, they encounter a dog which its previous owner was killed by the gang name G-Falcon. Sakura decides to name the dog's name as "Dog". A little while latter, Sakura is found to be a quite amazing martial artist when she sees the G-Falcons attacking public citizens in the park. Unfortunately, she is captured by the gang. As the gang is trying to "attack" Sakura, the "Dog", which previously avoided Sakura and seems to get alon with Ogami in the park, attacks the gang to protect Sakura. The Dog is easily beaten by the group. When Dog is on the edge of survival, Ogami shows up. Shockingly, Ogami's first move is to end the Dog's life. He uses his supernatural ability, the burning blue flame, to kill one of the gang members, and says the most famous line in this manga series, "A tooth for a tooth. And Evil for evil."

Sakura later wake up and find herself slept in the park over night. She terrifies the event clip that she remembers that happened last night. She immediately reported it to the police, but the officer says that it just a campfire that someone else set up. When the officer asks again what Sakura saw last night, Sakura realizes she is jeopardizing her life. Wishing she can find some answers, Sakura returns to school and asks Ogami to walk her home after school. She purposely chooses public area where a lot of people are present to ensure others and her safety as she questions Ogami on their way. Nevertheless, Ogami say that even though he burns everyone in the area he won't get punished. Ogami immediately tried to burn Sakura to ashes after his reasoning because "the witness must be vanished". When Ogami is just about to turn Sakura into ashes, Ogami says that he is just kidding. However, it turns out to be Ogami cannot set Sakura on fire as he reports to the person on his cell. It leads to a mystery of Sakura's background and Sakura's ability to avoid any other supernatural power latter on the manga series.

I highly recommend Code: Breaker to manga lovers not only because its intensity, but also the mystery and evil background behind the story line. If you are one of Death Note or Code Geass fans, you should give it a try!


Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Summer 2012 Anime