Alternative Title:
English - Code:BreakerJapanese - コード:ブレイカー
Akimine Kamijyo
Action, Comedy, School, Shounen, Super Power, Supernatural
Chapter Rating:
"What lies beneath the innocent facade?"
"What lies beneath the innocent facade?"
Kanada Sensei had appeared to be the secret behind Ogami's private work phone in the last chapter. Unlike the cold-hearted Ogami, Kanada seemed to be a character full of great emotions. Her expressions had showed to be extremely humorous and funny. To have energetic character, the manga suddenly became more entertaining; however, what is her true identity?
The next day after the fight with Noguchi, Kanada sensei announced the terrible news to the fellow classmates that Noguchi kun's family had moved due to family issue. I felt bad laughing at the tricked disappointed-students and Kanada's lying skills. I think the scene was originally meant to show true nature of the dark side of our society, but Kamijyo made such a sad scene seemed soft and humorous. He had really done a great job of twisting the mood and atmosphere of the story.
Trying to seeking for an answer from Kanada sensei, Sakura encountered Henji senpei on the hallway drinking tea with a nice comfortable desk. With Henji senpei's appearance, we immediately knew he should be someone important because he is shown on the cover of the manga. He was not only drinking tea in the hallway, but also looking at HENTAI MAGAZINE! This was where we all smashed our fist on the desk wondering why we don't get to do something like this someday. During the conversation between Sakura and Henji, we realized something is going to happened when Henji said, "I can see your dead zone."
There was an unanticipated surprise when Sakura entered the gym trying to find Kanada. The scene was actually quite dramatic which showed Kanada's killing skills. Most importantly, She actually used ordinary stationary as weapons to against her enemies. I was very amazed by the potential hazard that ordinary things around us can done to us. After the shock, Kanada claim that she is an agent who serve the Code: Breaker as master. She is someone whose duty is to provide support, protection, and information for Code: Breaker.
In this chapter, Kamijyo also introduced the greatest weakness of Code: Breaker. Apparently, Ogami collapsed because of the overuse of his power. Ogami's body temperature drained and felt powerless. This is something interesting because we finally knew the limit of the Code: Breakers. On the other hand, Sakura was the one who was glad about it because Ogami cannot hurt anyone in the next 24 hours. After that Toki suddenly showed up and stated that Sakura was being targeted. Who could have been targeting her? Is it Henji senpei?
"Sakura is neverous about the crisis about to befall her!!"
(Image Source: MangaFox)
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