Manga Reader has now been added under the gadget of Manga Links :)
You can now be able to quickly access manga reader's website through our blog!
You can now be able to quickly access manga reader's website through our blog!
Where we chat, share, and vote!
After our fantastic voyage to Sakura-Con, let's enjoy the rest of spring with manga and anime!
Entertainment + Cosplay + Art + Games! We will be going! has now agreed to sponsor us! They offer discounts to our members, prizes when having an event, and a rental DVD/VHS once a month. Click on the slider to visit the store.
We actively engage Japanese pop culture and latest anime series. The club is based at Prince of Wales Secondary School. We cater to a wide range of activities which include anime, manga, cosplay, gaming, and others. Our goal is to provide people of all ages with the most recent entertainment media in Japan.